A handout describing dangers of working in a highway workzone, focusing on struck-by incidents and steps to take to improve safety. Part of a collecti...
A handout describing steps that flaggers should take to protect themselves, including wearing PPE, and understanding the hazards. Part of a collection...
A form to be given to a physician describing the hazards of silica, symptoms and diagnoses of silicosis....
Document that workers should give to their physician. It provides the doctor with information on how to identify a worker at risk for silicosis and si...
This CPWR Hazard Alert on Air Purifying Respirators in Construction looks at the types of air purifying respirators, how to determining whether you n...
Describes methods to inspect and test insulating gloves....
Describes a McGovern Lever which uses an adjustable see-saw attached to scaffolding to serve as a lift for a drill fastened to a post. This eliminate...
After two accidents, Oregon OSHA warns users of portable cutoff-type industrial circular saws to use only diamond or abrasive blades, and use them onl...
The NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (NPG) is intended as a source of general industrial hygiene information on several hundred chemicals/classe...
OSHA magazine article profiling death of a carpenter who fell into an unguarded pit, citing regulations that applied to the situation....