This spreadsheet was created by Mike Harris, Ph.D. CIH of Hamlin & Harris, Inc. Dr. Harris is a welding expert and is sharing this industrial hygiene...
This NIOSH poster explains the importance of gradually getting workers up to speed on a hot job. This process, acclimatization, is critical to avoid h...
This overviews provides a background on how Washington University in St. Louis developed this series of six toolbox talks on ergonomics. It also descr...
In this 2013 booklet, NIOSH has compiled practical recommendations for avoiding serious material handling injuries through readily available work prac...
This OSHA-NIOSH Hazard Alert is based on recent NIOSH field studies that show workers may be exposed to dust with high levels of respirable crystallin...
This alert from the California Department of Public Health points out that workers can be harmed from levels of lead that were previously considered s...
This guidance document came out of NIOSH-sponsored workshops in September 2009 and June 2012 on the use of workers’ compensation data for occupation...
This NIOSH Fast Facts handout reviews the health problems caused by working in the cold and provides the symptoms of and first aid for hypothermia, fr...
This factsheet from the Health and Safety Executive of the United Kingdom tells employers what they need to know to prevent or adequately control co...
This California Department of Public Health factsheet describes the very real risks of Valley Fever (Coccidioidomycosis). When the top 2 to 12 inches...